If You are Healthy – You are Wealthy

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Today I had to go to a doctor’s appointment with my Oncology Haemotologist.  Why was I so stressed about it? Because it was not a regular scheduled visit. My doctor called me a few weeks ago to ask to see me to discuss “something” with me. I had given him a copy of my CT scan and blood work from my Oncologist in Southern California that was done in September 2010 when I was home for a visit. He told me that he and his team of doctors here in Lincoln, England had discussed my case and he wanted to talk with me about their findings.

I immediately said “ My CT scan was clear and my blood work was normal.” He agreed and asked if I would come in for an appointment to talk with him. I agreed and here it is Tuesday 10th May and I have had the talk with the doctor on their findings. It wasn’t doom and gloom – just a reminder that I’m in remission, not cured. It is a reminder that we are not here on earth forever. In fact, nobody is promised tomorrow. Not to sweat the small stuff. Not to take life so seriously. Not to over plan for the future. To live in the here and now. Live with the attitude of gratitude. To live life to the fullest. To love many people. To laugh a lot.

I have a framed picture with a favorite poem:

Follow your heart wherever it takes you and be happy

Life is brief and very fragile and only loaned to us for awhile

Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about  to happen.

I read it every day when I wake up and give thanks for this new day, as it is a gift. I know that something wonderful will happen today – it always does. I wish for something wonderful to happen to you today.

Enjoy the Journey….

Me with my sons Jonathan and Joshua, and my husband Steve

0 thoughts on “If You are Healthy – You are Wealthy

  1. What a great picture of you and your men! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for all things – most especially good health! -Nyse

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