That is what I asked the Front Door Man at our hotel when we all happened to get into the same elevator. He looked at me and said, “Of course I’m happy.” I asked, “Then why aren’t you smiling?” We have passed by him in the lobby for a week now, and I smile at him when we walk through the lobby. He looks at us but never smiles back. After my question, he then turned to me and gave me a great big smile. I told him that he has a beautiful smile. From that time on he always smiles at us when he sees us.
I believe that this has brought a conscious awareness to this man of how he is greeting people – how he is coming across to the people staying in the hotel. There are people from all over the world coming through the lobby speaking many different languages, but you can always communicate with others by just smiling. It lifts everyones’ spirits and makes for a happy day.
Steve looked at me and said, “Only you could do this. I love to watch how you interact with people. You have such a positive impact on people. They really do listen to you.
As we walked away I couldn’t help but start humming the song, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.”
Bringing a smile to someone else makes you smile too – and everybody is happy.
I think that we sometimes take life too seriously (I know I do) and sharing a smile reminds us to lighten up and enjoy life.

“IF you’re Happy and you know it clap your hands” is a christian camp song. It goes on to say if you are happy in the Lord and you know it clap your hands. Thought it was poignant that you used this song.