September 11, 2011 – A day that we will always remember – A day that we will never forget…
This year on September 11, Steve and I are once again in Cyprus.
Since we are living in England, we have a different perspective than many in the States remembering the tragic events that happened on that day now 10 years ago. Living in another part of the world and yet feeling so connected.
As the memorial ceremonies began, we were glued to the television in our hotel room in Cyprus for the entire day, flipping through the few English channels – CNN, BBC and Sky News – making sure that we weren’t missing anything and seeing all of the memorial services in the three different locations.
I was hanging on to every word that the newscasters were saying, the people being interviewed and their stories and most of all, listening to the 3000+ names of those killed being read aloud. You could not help getting emotional as each name was read and then the family members talking about their loved ones that had died, many breaking down in tears. As I listened I noticed the different last names, and the many different cultures that make up the fabric of America. I listened as tears ran down my face as if I knew each of these people. This is the America I know and love – community – being there for each other – comforting each other and seeing the people of this great nation come together.
The events were well organized and created a peaceful, comforting environment, acknowledging each and every life lost that day with great respect, care and love.
Freedom is not Free and we must remember and be thankful to those who gave their lives for our freedom.
Watching as the families entered the Memorial Plaza at the World Trade Center site for the first time, where all of the names of those who died are inscribed into a metal display that goes around the Plaza, lit up from underneath so it can even be seen at night, keeping the names visible 24 hours a days, 7 days a week. The family members and friends were stenciling the names – feeling the names as if they were touching their loved ones. When Paul Simon originally performed the “Sound of Silence,” I bet he didn’t think that he would be singing it at this 911 Memorial Ceremony. Same for James Taylor.
So proud and honored to be an American – so proud to have been born in New York – one of my favorite cities in the world. My husband Steve grew up in New York and as a boy watched the Twin Towers being built. We took our boys to visit the World Trade Center years ago. In fact we took the elevator to the top and will always remember the panoramic view of Manhattan.
God Bless America
I felt exactly the same way when I was watching the service and listening to the family members read their names…especially.hard to.see the children who looked about 11 years old who never got to meet their parent or the young people in their early 20’s who can remember their parent but had to grow up without them. Great post.
wow maxine – you do really write so well! Have you heard yet about Oct? Was really looking forward to my visit with you. May do something else if its not on so let me know.